![Zakłąd produkcyjny ABM Park maszynowy firmy ABM](data/images/2012/Park%20maszyn/GLOWNE%20ZDJECIE.jpg)
After realization – from october 2011 untill february of 2012 of the project "Improvement of the Competitiveness ABM SA through the creation of innovative technological line and start producing new furniture collection " two modern machines were purchased: the center Weeke VENTURE3M and BIESSEEDGE edge bander. The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
We also have WEEKE BHX center, panel saw, bander, center drills, hand bander. In order to increase the efficiency of the production plant, some machines have been specially upgraded for the specificity of our products - the results beside better quality is also reducing the cost of production of certain products, extending the range of new solutions and shorten time of individual orders.
In our factory there are two independent production lines - for serial production and for individual orders. Common link in both lines is the saw, furniture assembly plant and packing plant. Separate for both lines is machining centers and edge banding.
Furniture are prepared in the Projects Department then machining centers are connected with special design program that is automatically loaded into the machine. Innovative technology ensures optimal utilization of materials and energy, reduce production time and reduce to the minimum the possibility of error. Machines are CE certified
and fulfill the requirements of the Machinery Directive and the Polish health and safety regulations.